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They present La fiesta del hierro, the last work premiered by Roberto Arlt while he was alive

The work tells the story of a businessman in charge of foundries that manufactures cannons and about different events in his family and work life / Photo: Press.

La fiesta de hierro, the last work by Roberto Arlt premiered during the author’s lifetime, who died in 1942, offers performances at the Teatro Machado and, according to its director, Diego Ernesto Rodríguez, allows one to see in the rearview mirror, what in the history of humanity repeats itself with insistent foolishness, the ambition to destroy.

The play, which premiered at the People’s Theater in 1940, shortly after the start of World War II, tells the story of the king iron, a businessman in charge of foundries that manufactures cannons and about different events that take place in his house with his son, his wife, the company manager and a priest to talk about a morally hypocritical society, which for refusing to grow old and to die accordingly, the future of their children is engulfed, highlighted those responsible for this staging.

Performed by Mailen Crudo, Martina Galli, Gabriel Jacubowicz, Ricardo Lovera, Marcos Luquin, Osvaldo Malizia, Pedro Nigri, Ayelén Peres Eisemberg and Daniel Rocchia, La fiesta del hierro, was adapted by Rodríguez to musical theater and offers performances on Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. at the Machado theater (Antonio Machado 617 in the Parque Centenario neighborhood.)

Actor, director , and regisseur, Rodríguez stressed that his decision to transfer Arlt’s work to musical theater has to do with the fact that, regardless of the sophistication of his vocal technique, he finds an integral language in the genre, in the sense that it is not can accept it in another way than for its fictionality, a way that by default denies realism.

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